Email schedule

Send a PDF of the current schedule to providers by email.





Draft: When sending schedules via email to providers for draft schedule revisions, the schedules can be included in main format in addition to the preexisting ability to send them in personalized main format.



As-scheduled, As-worked and Working revision:



Schedule to attach: 'Requests', 'Main', 'Personal', and 'Personalized main'



Exclude providers: When sending schedules via email, the recipients of the emails can be selected by provider group. Additionally, providers with no scheduled hours can be excluded from receiving the emails.


Recipients (providers): By default all providers are selected. You have the ability to send a PDF to one provider or a selection.



Email title: You can update the default subject line to your preference.


Email body: You can change the default greeting, upload your document from Word or manually make an adjustment. An unlimited amount of text can be entered for the publication note included in publication email notifications.

