My Proposals

All of your proposals will be recorded for you to accept, decline, and withdraw from proposals in the 'My Proposals' screen. Click on any proposal to expand its display to include details about the proposal and any responses that you have received.



Show Calendar



Show List


Proposal Response







The proposal will be removed, a notification will be sent to the provider who initiated the change to let them know it was declined.



Regrets: An 'R' will be displayed after you decline a proposal by selecting the 'Decline' button.





Give away: Give a shift away and receive nothing in return.





Take away: Take shift away from another provider





Trade: Trade your assignment for another assignment.





Split: Split your coverage of a shift with one or more other providers.





Swap Meet Proposal: The proposal will be listed as a [Swap meet].





Note: You may need to go back into 'My Proposals' to accept the proposal for the schedule change to be made based on the other provider's privileges. If you see 'Accept' from your view, the original proposer will need to 'Accept' for the schedule to updated in the main schedule.