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Scheduling Emergency Providers since 1989

New Features -- July 2024

  • When navigating to a page under a tab, the tab remains highlighted

  • An option is available for schedule automation that assigns each provider 80 work hours for each two-week period

  • Shift requests implied by time off requests are included in the calendar when using the "manage requests" tool in the schedule revision screen

  • An option is available that allows providers to edit their hours and add themselves as pure adjustment providers for shifts no not yet started

New Features -- June 2024

  • Schedule change proposals can be disallowed until a specific date

  • Monthly and day cycles can be viewed and managed from the same "cycles" screen

  • Providers can specify day and monthly request cycles. Request cycles automatically create off requests when a schedule request version is published.

  • An option is available at the level of the location that controls the ability of providers to create cycle off requests

New Features -- May 2024

  • Version 3.7 of the mobile App is available
  • The current location context can be switched in the manage schedule screen

  • The location context can be switched in the workloads and in-row request popup

  • Provider can request shift and hours workloads and set their in-row and weekend preferences in the mobile app

New Features -- April 2024

  • When a new user account has an activity start date, the account creation notification sent to the provider is delayed until the start date is reached

  • The notification sent to providers upon publication of a work schedule can be suppressed at the level of provider groups

  • The publication notification for request, draft, and work schedules can be resent to a provider group

  • A support staff privilege is available for receiving email notifications when unassigned (empty) shifts are assigned

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