Propose schedule change

This option lets you propose a schedule change. You have the option to choose from 'Propose a schedule change' or 'Certify a schedule change'. The schedule will be changed once; the other involved provider accepts the schedule change within 'My Proposals' screen. (If required by your schedule administrator, final administrative approval may be needed before the actual schedule is changed.) To email your proposal to all or limited individuals: your email proposal is automatically generated, and cannot be edited. If you wish to add any comments about the Certify schedule change or proposal, please enter them in the 'Comment' area.



  1. Select the shift you would like to 'give,' 'take', 'trade' or 'split'.

  3. Click on 'Propose or certify change'



  5. Select the type of schedule change you want: 'Propose' or 'Certify'