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Challenges overcome by using medical staff scheduling software

Posted on 2/26/2020 by Elizabeth in category: scheduling software articles

Medical staff scheduling for hospitals, medical centers, assisted living, clinics and long-term facilities can present numerous challenges. Most healthcare facilities have a handful of job positions, requiring different work schedules and specific skills. Not to mention, when working in the healthcare industry, you're dealing with round-the-clock responsibility, on-the-go doctors and nurses, trying to keep up with a fast-paced atmosphere and more.

What can help is an affordable and flexible shift scheduling software program that can help streamline your scheduling process. It's loaded with powerful features for staff scheduling and provides you with instant access to important criteria for decision making.

Challenges Medical Staff Scheduling Software Helps Overcome

Some ways physician scheduling software helps overcome challenges are:

1. Track Training, On-Call, Sick Leave, Vacation and other Off-Work Requests

With medical staff scheduling, you can define as many unpaid and paid-time-off reasons as you want. You just drag the reason and drop it onto a Schedule Planner to mark when a physician or other staff member is off-work. The program then shows who's off and the reason why. Plus, you have available reports that give you details on training, planned vacation and time off hours for any period of time you choose.

2. Saves You Time

With emergency medicine scheduling, you can create the schedule in mere minutes. The software has an auto-scheduler tool that allows you to create staff schedules easily with just a few mouse clicks. Create a shift, set it and then forget it. You can save regular schedules to use repetitively when required, whether it's:

- Day-to-day
- Weekly
- Even monthly

You can schedule on-the-go using either a mobile app or website, so no matter where you are, you can create and/or approve physician schedules. Using your smart device or computer, see who's clocked in whether you're at the facility or out.

3. Mobile Access

Physician scheduling software that you can only access through an in-house logging system or by desktop isn't efficient. A crucial feature is mobile functionality that you can empower your physicians and other staff. Scheduling should be easily accessible on all smartphones and laptops while allowing your physicians the ability to:

- Receive notifications
- Make requests
- Communicate with one another

4. Reduces Overhead Costs

Technology slashes overhead expenses which reduces your healthcare costs. Implementing shift scheduling software that improves facility-wide communication gets rid of the need for paper-driven processes while increasing efficiency and reducing errors.

To illustrate this, take how hospitals handle physician on-call scheduling as an example. When a hospital uses a manual system, a small group or even one staff member has the job of handling all doctor on-call schedules, frequently using spreadsheets or paper.

When there's a change to the schedule that must be made, the staff member would have to collect faxes, emails and voicemails and then add in the changes into the spreadsheets, print them and then distribute them. New changes may even come in before you've even finish handing them out which would then render your previous on-call schedule obsolete and leave patients ignored.

So, as you can see, medical staff scheduling software is an asset to any healthcare facility and can really streamline your entire scheduling process.

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