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How emergency room scheduling makes your job easier and more efficient

Posted on 10/7/2015 by Elizabeth in category: scheduling software articles
Being the scheduling manager of an emergency room is a rewarding, albeit an exceptionally taxing task. Trying to strategically juggle the important schedules of all of the emergency room physicians, nurses, and other personnel while meeting their needs and ensuring that the emergency room is properly staffed can be a challenge.

If you’ve been feeling like you are caught in a whirlwind every time you sit down to create your emergency room physician schedule, get yourself back on solid ground by investing in emergency room scheduling software. This software can truly simplify your job, improve the satisfaction of the doctors, nurses, and other medical staff you are creating schedules for and improve the care and treatment of the patients in the emergency room.

Here’s a more detailed look at how shift scheduling software for emergency rooms can benefit you, your staff and the emergency room.

Alleviate Scheduling Issues

If your current approach to physician scheduling includes a pencil, paper and a date book, you know how difficult meeting the needs of your staff and the emergency room can be. It’s time to come out of the dark ages and start using shift scheduling software. You won’t believe how much it will alleviate all of the issues you’ve had in the past. No more shuffling through a date book, erasing, making phone calls to find coverage.

With emergency medicine scheduling software, you can see everyone’s availability at a glance and create and make changes to the schedule with the simple click of a button.

Easy Access to Schedules

With scheduling software, all of the physicians and other personnel that you create schedules for can easily access their schedules. There’s no need to check bulletin boards or to check for email updates; all the staff needs to do is login to the software’s portal to see what their schedules are. This can be done from a computer, a Smartphone or a tablet from anywhere across the world!

Simplify Modifications

With antiquated methods of creating schedules, you would have to scramble to make adjustments to the schedule should someone need a sick day, there was an emergency, or you didn’t see a request. With scheduling software, you can quickly and easily make those modifications. Someone needs to take their child to the doctor? They can call for help on the portal and a shift can be swapped. There’s no more scrambling to make sure there’s coverage.

Accurate Scheduling

With this software, you can see exactly when who is working. It can greatly eliminate over scheduling and unfair scheduling. When you can schedule more accurately, your staff will have improved satisfaction and the patients of the emergency room will receive a better quality of care.

With physician scheduling software, your job as a scheduling manager will become a whole lot easier. So, what are you waiting for? Start using this software today and experience the difference it will make.

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