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How to optimize rotating schedules for physicians

Posted on 8/30/2023 by Elizabeth in category: scheduling software articles
In the healthcare industry, physicians can navigate their way through various challenges, but there is one challenge that seems impossible for them to overcome - shift scheduling.

Having physicians and other healthcare professionals working round the clock or late at night for extended periods is a constant battle, as they are also human and want to be at home with their families and have some form of social life.

But how do you ensure you have a high output and keep your staff encouraged and happy? This is a question many shift scheduling managers ask.

It is a known fact that the shortage of healthcare professionals has only amplified the problem of making rotating schedules hard to carry out, but if implemented correctly and in the right form and context, they can be the most effective. This is where optimizing your rotating schedule comes in.

Creating an optimized rotating schedule can be quite a daunting task that requires meticulous planning and deep attention to detail. Before getting started, it is important to consider various factors such as employee preferences, workload balance, and peak periods, among others.

In light of optimizing rotating schedules, scheduling software has been created to aid in its easy drafting.

Continue reading to find out how to optimize rotating schedules.

How to Optimize Rotating Schedules

By optimizing a rotating schedule, you can improve satisfaction, increase productivity, and meet the needs of patients more effectively. Here are ways to optimize physician scheduling.

• Consider physician preferences.

When optimizing the physician scheduling plan, consider the physician’s preferences, such as preferred shifts, days off, and vacation time. This can help improve employee satisfaction and reduce turnover.

• Minimize shift changes.

Instead of constantly changing and rotating the number of shifts, try as much as possible to minimize it. This can help reduce fatigue, burnout, and turnover and improve productivity and job satisfaction.

• Even the distribution of expertise.

It is essential to spread your high performers amongst all shift schedules. A physician whose expertise is highly requested needs to be rotated with a colleague less sought after to even the distribution of knowledge. This is highly recommended in drafting emergency medicine scheduling to avoid burnout.

• Plan for peak periods.

Before optimizing your shift schedule, know the number of physicians you have in your hospital. There are cases of unexpected peak periods, and you want to have enough physicians on hand. Therefore, when rotating shift schedules, set the schedule to ensure you have enough physicians in the hospital to meet demands during peak periods. This can help prevent understaffing and ensure that patients are served efficiently.

• Monitor and adjust.

Regarding shift scheduling, monitoring and adjusting are essential parts of optimizing. Therefore, to optimize rotating schedules effectively, regularly monitor the schedules and adjust when necessary to ensure flexibility, productivity, and adequate patient care.

• Use scheduling software.

Admins are always advised to use scheduling software to optimize and automate the process of creating and managing rotating schedules. This can save time, reduce errors, and make it easier to make adjustments to the schedule as needed.


Overall, optimizing a rotating schedule requires a combination of thoughtful planning, data analysis, and ongoing monitoring. As an aid to effectively optimize and manage shift scheduling, scheduling software is available to create a dynamic and effective schedule and accommodate various rotating schedules from physician scheduling to emergency medicine scheduling.

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