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Ten factors important to shift schedules workers

Posted on 11/4/2020 by Elizabeth in category: scheduling software articles

If you were to ask some shift workers to tell you what their ideal shift schedule would be, chances are you'd likely hear things like:

• Eight hour day shifts Monday through Friday
• Ten hour day shifts Monday through Thursday
• Pick up my check on Thursdays only

Statements like these show the value shift workers place on their days off. Actually, if their pay is unaffected, shift workers' time off is their main consideration when you compare alternative shift schedules. Being able to have sufficient time off lets them have a life outside of their workplace.

Smart physician scheduling practices can help employers meet patient, company and staff needs and manage costs. Here are 10 tips for managing employee schedules who were shifts.

1. Ensure Proper Shift Scheduling Balance

Too many inexperienced or new workers on a shift can lead to stress for both staff members and patients. During every shift, ensure you have adequate experienced workers and supervisors to make sure your facility operates smoothly.

2. Make Proper Projections

Be sure to make projects based on the type and amount of work that must be done, when it needs to be done and the available talent.

3. Pay Attention to Overtime

Employers, under federal law, must pay overtime to non-exempt staff when they work over 40 hours during their workweek.

4. Post the Schedules Ahead of Time

Provide workers as much notice as you can regarding their work schedules; a minimum of two weeks preferably. This provides them sufficient time for planning appointments and other types of commitments around their emergency medicine scheduling.

5. Involve Workers

When you involve workers in the shift schedules process, you are able to account for outside conflicts. Be sure to take into consideration staff members:

• Preferred shifts
• Availability
• Desired number of work week hours

Also, by offering your workers telecommuting options or flexible work schedules, it could help them manage their personal and work responsibilities better.

6. Track Sick, Vacation and Other Paid Time Off

When you schedule workers, you must know who's time off has been approved so you don't put them on the schedule mistakenly.

7. Consider Cross Training and Shift Swaps

Allowing workers to swap shifts could make it simpler to maintain sufficient staffing levels and provide workers flexibility when there are work-life conflicts.

8. Use Pilots for New Service or Product Launches

If you aren't sure how a new service or product might impact your scheduling needs, consider using a pilot for helping gauge the impact.

9. Offer Enough Time Off Between Shifts

Offer your staff enough time off for resting between shifts. Certain state, federal and local laws have placed restrictions on the number of hours staff can work each week and how much time off you must offer between shifts.

10. Stay Prepared for Special Situations

A lot of hospitals have peak times, but special situations can also cause an increase in patients.

Take these 10 factors into account when scheduling shift schedules for your employees.

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