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Using hospital scheduling software to manage capacity surges

Posted on 2/2/2022 by Elizabeth in category: scheduling software articles
An inadequate staff supply during a virulent disease pandemic is one the most severe threats to a hospital, including a strain on healthcare delivery. In the event of a pandemic, all healthcare personnel are in danger.

At moments like these, the curtain begins to be drawn back, revealing flaws in our healthcare system. What are the chances that every hospital and healthcare system is ready to build emergency medical staff schedules for the emergency department and nursing staff in the event of an emergency? The likelihood is modest for many firms.

Antiquated Hospital Scheduling Methods

Medical offices and hospital departments continue to rely extensively on Excel spreadsheets and, in some cases, paper and pencil to schedule physicians and advanced practice providers. Many businesses cannot swiftly and efficiently develop emergency scheduling scenarios that consider elements such as availability based on someone's current health status.

When an emergency schedule is made by hand or in Excel, the factors may change, and everything will need to be redone. This is made much easier and less time-consuming by rules-based automated physician scheduling software accessible from any internet-connected computer. This exercise would be simple if the scheduling procedure was recorded and you had sufficiently trained back-ups.

It is critical for a hospital to have the right service providers in the right places at the right time by quickly adding, modifying, and removing resources, balancing workload, and simply adjusting the on-call schedule. It makes no sense for a hospital Emergency Department to waste valuable time looking for and calling a physician who has called in sick. Maintaining trust and confidence in the system will require a single source of truth regarding available specialists for the ED and nursing staff.

The use of scheduling software is another technique to ensure an efficient emergency medicine scheduling system.

Among the various advantages of scheduling software are the following:

1) Improved Work-Life Balance

It is vital to strengthen nurses' and physicians' autonomy in shift scheduling implementation to balance their work-life schedule effectively. Unfortunately, it is all too usual for management teams to schedule manually, which allows very little flexibility for nurses or physicians to make schedule modifications to balance their professional and home lives, potentially leading to employee burnout.

2) Simplified Communication

When nurses and doctors file personal requests, it is not always clear what they are doing. They don't always know if the physician scheduler got their request or if it is being processed. This process can be made more explicit and successful by using shift scheduling software.

3) Responsiveness to Last-Minute Changes

When doctors can manage their work schedule autonomously utilizing self-service resources, they are better able to respond to last-minute adjustments. Because doctors are active in their plans, they won't have to wait for manual management clearance before making changes, saving time and avoiding scheduling conflicts.

Shift scheduling solutions should be used all the time, not just during a pandemic. This ensures a more streamlined approach to scheduling, allowing your hospital or clinic to run more efficiently and allowing you to provide better patient care.

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