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What is scheduling software for emergency medicine is capable of

Posted on 9/30/2015 by Elizabeth in category: scheduling software articles

As the scheduling manager for the ER department of a hospital, your job is crucial to the health and well-being of thousands of patients and the satisfaction and well-being of countless medical professionals. Your job is critical and you have a lot on your plate.

Trying to juggle the schedules of so many medical professionals, ensuring that the emergency department is well staffed and that the emergency room physicians are happy with their schedules can certainly be challenging.

But, what if there was a way to simplify your job? What if you could take some of the stress off of your shoulders and still both doctors and patients are well taken care of?

Well, there is! Thanks to shift scheduling software, your role as a scheduling manager will be a lot easier to handle.

Here’s a look at what shift scheduling software is capable of and how it can help you, the doctors you create schedules for and the patients.

Provides Full Control

With scheduling software, you have full control over the schedules that you create. Not only can you see availabilities at a glance, but you can also get a clear picture of which doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners and any other staff member you schedule for are scheduled when so that you can ensure you aren’t over-scheduling. You can also clearly see when shifts have been swapped.

Post Schedules Online

One of the greatest and most convenient things that you can do with scheduling software is post your schedules online. When you’re able to post your schedules online, your staff will be able to access their schedules from virtually anywhere. You’ll never have to worry about your staff not knowing when they are scheduled and you can stay abreast of any changes or requests that have been made.

Printing and Email Options

Physician scheduling software allows you to print schedules or email them when you need to. Combine these options with the ability to access schedules online and you can really ensure that your entire staff is aware of when they are working.

Access Payroll Reports

Scheduling software also offers the ability to access payroll report with multiple pay structures. The advantage of this is that you can reduce overtime expenses and ensure that your staff is working an appropriate amount of hours each week. You can also ensure that your staff receive the proper payment for the hours that they have worked.

Quick and Easy Access to Staff

Scheduling software will allow you to stay in contact with your staff. You can easily reach doctors, nurses and any other medical professional that you staff through the communication logs of the scheduling software – even when they aren’t working.

And those are just some of the great benefits schedule software for emergency medicine is capable of. There’s no doubt about it; the capabilities of emergency medicine scheduling software will simplify your role as a scheduling manager and will ensure patients receive proper care and your staff is satisfied with their schedules.

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