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Why scheduling software for emergency medicine is a good investment

Posted on 7/20/2016 by Elizabeth in category: scheduling software articles
The emergency department is a challenging medical specialty to schedule. There are various factors to take into consideration, including but not limited to, staff shortages, patient flow fluctuations, overcrowding, as well as the personal preferences of the physicians.

Emergency scheduling software is built specifically to handle the high pressure and challenges of the ER environment. The software allows you to free up more of your valuable time by removing the struggle from the scheduling process, helping you to create schedules quickly, and accurately while still focusing on fairness and sensitivity.

Making the move to scheduling software will allow your ER to work more fluidly, focusing on the immediate need for the department to be consistently staffed by professionals, and support staff, who are able to handle any medical emergency.

There are various benefits to you, as the director of an ER department, to consider in terms of making the move to scheduling software, these include the ability to:

  • Remotely access employee shift scheduling data
  • Schedule hours based on employee availability
  • Increase profitability by reducing labor and overtime costs
  • Schedule specific tasks and breaks within shifts
  • Track vacation, overtime, and on call costs
  • Track staff coverage in real time
  • Securely store sensitive employee data

Furthermore, the benefits to your patients, and staff are vast. The software:

Ensures an adequate level of coverage for every shift – Keeping all shifts covered in order to meet the average demands of the department at any given time is one of your most important considerations when scheduling a shift plan. The software will help you seamlessly put this in place, as well as scheduling the right staff to be available on standby when, and if needed. Effective scheduling is difficult to do by hand, as there is so much that needs to be taken into consideration. Scheduling software ensures shifts are covered by the right people at the times they’re needed.

Enables physicians to make requests and to check schedules on the go – As everything can be accessed remotely, administrative staff are not needed to consult plans, or to make notes.

Elimination of scheduling mistakes - Emergency medicine scheduling is a complex and difficult task; software makes this easy.

Saves emergency departments and hospitals money – Automated physician scheduling eliminates mistakes that occur via manual scheduling. Therefore, overtime and understaffing – that requires the bringing in of expensive temporary workers to cover hours – is not an issue.

Fair distribution of call shifts – The software will keep a history of call shift schedules, ensuring fair distribution among staff.

Running a busy emergency department is no easy task, and mistakes can be costly and dangerous to the wellbeing of your patients, and staff. Scheduling software eliminates human error, and ensures your workforce are more productive, and happy.

Proper scheduling also improves patient care through more efficient coverage by motivated, and better rested staff. This also results in improved staff retention, higher levels of productivity, and lower clinician frustration.

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